Shivangi Bishnoi

Shivangi Bishnoi

Economist turned Data Journalist

I recently graduated from the Data Journalism masters at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. I used to be an economist/ teacher and almost got a PhD in Economics. I am keen to leverage my background and bring statistical methods to the newsroom as well as break down complex academic research and data analysis for the public. I like to use visuals to tell stories that are otherwise hard to understand. I mostly look for stories at the intersection of climate, economics and public policy. In addition to creating charts and maps, I like to doodle on Procreate to make my own illustrations and animations.

Scroll down to see some of my work

fire gif

Wildfires in California have done little to adjust property prices

Climate change risk has not yet seeped into housing markets. This could be brewing trouble for the future.

D3 Procreate Mapbox
image of phd graduation

Should you get a PhD?

The academic job market is shrinking. Yet, the number of PhD graduates is not. What makes people still pursue a PhD?

Datawrapper Procreate
map of laguardia's inundation

LaGuardia Airport’s Sinking Problem Might Be a Planning Problem

What a new scientific study reveals about the future of LaGuardia Airport.

Linear Modeling Illustrator Procreate
lighthouse and storm

Preventative versus Curative Flood Policy

Developing flood-prone areas can be costlier in the long run than encouraging settlement elsewhere.

Procreate D3 Illustrator Scrollytelling

21 Days and a Lifetime

Ladakh has broken out in protests against the central government’s development plans. Sonam Wangchuk’s climate-fast reminds us that the stakes are bigger than just Ladakh.

Procreate Scrollytelling
Missing Women on Wikipedia

Missing Women on Wikipedia?

Two charts to show how history forgot women more easily than men

Python Datawrapper
Earth and aerosols gif

Little Particles. Big Storms.

Scientists can’t agree upon the role of aerosols on clouds that affect severe weather. Why does it matter?

Procreate Python
Updated flood risk with flood insurance

Rethinking Flood Insurance Policy

Could providing cheaper flood insurance make flood damage worse in the future?

QGIS Illustrator
NYT Bestselling Authors Map

A Dashboard of New York Times Bestselling Authors

A data curating project to get the birthplaces and Goodreads ratings of NYT bestselling authors’ since 2011.

D3 Mapbox Python
relation between covid deaths and democracy scores

Of Democracies and Pandemics

Did democracies do better than autocracies in limiting covid deaths? A non-linear regression analysis to uncover the differences and reasons.

Statistical Modeling
relation between covid deaths and democracy scores

And the most popular yoga style in the United States is…..?

Using Google Trends data to see how yoga styles are trending in the US compared to the world.
